Project BSB - 00332
Interdisciplinary Solutions for Smart Sustainable Tourism and Services for Blue Growth in the Black Sea Basin
Driving innovation, advancing research, and engaging communities to foster a smart, sustainable future for tourism and blue growth in the Black Sea region.
Sustainable tourism industry can boost blue growth
In recent years, Europe’s blue economy sectors have generated over €750 billion annually, supporting 4.5 million jobs across the continent. With its inherent dynamism and potential for innovation, the blue economy is poised to drive the green transition—replacing unchecked growth with clean, climate-friendly, and sustainable practices that respect marine ecosystems.
As the largest sector of Europe’s blue economy, coastal tourism plays a crucial role in advancing blue growth and building resilient, sustainable communities. Yet, Black Sea tourism faces significant challenges that hinder its sustainability and its potential to act as a local driver of sustainability for other sectors. These barriers lead to economic, environmental, and social setbacks.
While new technologies offer transformative potential, the Black Sea tourism sector must enhance its capacity for knowledge and technology adoption to realize this vision.
Our Work
Enhancing sustainability performance and innovation absorption of tourism and services in the Black Sea Basin
“INTERSMARTS: Interdisciplinary Solutions for Smart Sustainable Tourism and Services for Blue Growth in the Black Sea Basin” is a transnational initiative aimed at improving the sustainability performance and innovation adoption of tourism and related services in the Black Sea Basin through interdisciplinary research, networking, co-creation, and holistic knowledge generation.
The project seeks to shift traditional perceptions and raise awareness of the knowledge-intensive nature of tourism within the blue growth framework. It strives to bring together academia, business, government, the civic sector, and environmental stakeholders in interdisciplinary research, networking, co-creation, and holistic knowledge generation.”
What We Suggest
Developing solutions of regional value and efficient utilization of accumulated know-how
Interdisciplinary Network
To study, develop and promote practical innovative solutions for sustainable tourism enterprises and blue growth.
Needs Assessment
To identify pathways for feasible smart solutions for tourism sustainability and outline opportunities for blue growth.
On-Line Data Base
To identify directions for feasible smart solutions for tourism sustainability and outline prospects for blue growth.
Collaboration Space
for idea generation and enhancing the sustainability performance of Black Sea Basin tourism entities in alignment with blue growth principles.
Collaboratory Events
That unite business, academia, and the community to develop solutions for shared sustainability challenges in Black Sea Basin tourism and services.
Mentoring Activities
To train businesses on introducing novel solutions and advanced technologies in practical ways to improve their sustainability.
Latest News
A real success for the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „Sustainable Tourism and Blue Growth in the Black Sea region„
The international conference „Sustainable Tourism and Blue Growth in the Black Sea Region“ was held in Varna (Bulgaria) on 8 October 2024 at the campus of Varna University of Management
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „Sustainable Tourism and Blue Growth in the Black Sea region„
The conference will inaugurate the INTERSMARTS network – an international alliance of experts and researchers from different fields