Portfolio of Services

INTERSMARTS Network is offering 4 (four) clusters of services that integrate its main activities:
Applied research and experimentation
The INTERSMARTS Network builds upon research conducted to address regional needs for developing sustainable tourism and a blue economy. It also undertakes various related research activities, covering a broad range of topics
- problem-specific needs assessment, conducted by specifically designed task-forces gathering leading experts from all network members
- analyses, surveys, studies about state of art of blue economy, blue growth, tourism and related sectors in the Black Sea Basin,
- identification and promotion of technological and non-technological innovations that can improve the viability and sustainability of the businesses and activities in tourism,
- identification and promotion of new activities and services that are associated with blue growth and sustainable tourism,
- analyses of existing policies and regulations affecting blue economy and sustainable tourism activities,
- development of policy recommendations to support the different aspects of sustainable tourism and blue growth,
- development of planning tools,
- elaboration and testing of pilot models and innovative solutions,
- adopt data-driven approaches to enhance efficiency and sustainability,
- other relevant research activities implemented in an open-laboratory environment
Mapping and promotion of best practices
- Identification of Best Practices
- Management of Visual and Online Resources
- Content Expansion
- Digital Promotion
- Open Access for Stakeholders
Networking and co-creation
- Creation of a Community of Practice
- National and International Workshops and Seminars
- Data-Driven Approaches
- Facilitation of Discussions and Knowledge-sharing
- Open Educational Resources
Training and mentoring
- Collaboratory Events
- International Final Mentoring Collaboratory
- Training Programs
- Workshops and Seminars
- Public Presentations and Idea Showcasing
- Consultation and Mentoring on Request