Aims and Structure

The Network for Interdisciplinary Solutions for Smart Sustainable Tourism and Services in the Black Sea Basin (INTERSMARTS Network) has the mission to incite cooperation and to increase the absorption of new knowledge and innovations in tourism and related services so as to improve their sustainability and activate their contribution to the blue growth of the Black Sea region.
INTERSMARTS Network unites independent organisations whose teams jointly identify and promote smart and novel solutions that can help in tackling the main challenges to sustainability and blue growth in the Black Sea Basin with a focus on tourism and services. Since these challenges are expected to evolve with time, the co-working is organised in the frame of theme-specific task forces – temporary units consisting of experts from different disciplinary backgrounds – that join forces to contribute to these specific challenges. The management of the task forces is divided among the founding members of the network based on their expertise, capacity and research interests.
- Task Force “Sustainable infrastructure and resource management” – coordinated by the Moldova State University
- Task Force “Anti-pollution and waste management” – coordinated by the International Hellenic University
- Task Force “Seasonality solutions” – coordinated by the Varna University of Management
- Task Force “Technology transfer and innovations” – coordinated by the Istanbul Development Agency
The main offices of the Network are called “contact points” and are located at the seats of the project partners.
When new members are admitted to the network, they are requested to establish contact points within their institutions as well.